Air Asia Indonesia From Surabaya To Singapore Lost Contact With Air...

AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that a flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control at 07:24 hrs this...

40th (MMFF) 2014 Metro Manila Film Festival Winners

MANILA - The 40th Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) organizers announce the full list of winners and awardees for the 2014 film competition in...

World Bank – “Philippines Is Now A Rising Tiger In...

Philippines is ASEAN'S  fastest growing economy and now going number 1 in the world for 2015 in investment destination, a place with a good...

Watch: Police Allow Gunman to Shoot (SM City Rosales Mall Shooting...

Watch this video as three cops were standing outside a mall in Pangasinan, when a man walked right past those cops showing and toting his gun...

Watch: Taxi Driver From Pakistan Speaks Fluent Tagalog

A video of a Pakistani taxi driver who works  in Dubai speaks tagalog fluently. A funny and smiling, bearded taxi driver conversing with the Filipino...