AMMAN JORDAN – The Jordanian government headed by King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein has agreed to give the Armed Forces of the Philippines two fully equipped combat-ready AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters including a donation of mortars, rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.

The confirmation about the donation came after the Philippines and Jordan signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Defense Cooperation between the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and the Department of National Defense of the Philippines.

But prior to the transfer of choppers, the Philippine Airforce will send Filipino pilots and aircraft support technicians, basically to learn the aircraft, train and study the systems, flight simulation, deployment, including the actual combat flying scenarios with the Jordanian Air forces, In order for the Filipino pilots becomes ready, when incorporating it on the actual battlefield.

Images credit to VR world.

Bong Go said that the second-hand helicopters will be turned over to the Philippine government in July 2019 after the training of Filipino pilots.

In spite of Duterte’s criticism of the King’s cousin, Jordan Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Husein a former United Nations Human Rights high commissioner who recommended that Duterte should undergo “psychiatric evaluation” when the President slammed the International Criminal Court’s decision to launch a preliminary examination on his drug war.

The Philippine leader also slammed the Jordanian prince, saying “Look, you have a big head but it’s empty. There is no gray matter between your ears. It’s hollow. It’s empty. It cannot even sustain a nutrient for your hair to grow because his hair here is gone.”

But later Duterte changed a tune after he was informed and advised by his National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon.

“I would have wanted to but Esperon said, ‘Do not do it. Maybe, mayor, if you can swallow insults. You are throwing curses, epithets and all, “di rin sila makaganti (they can’t get back at you either).

Esperon said this time I am asking you to shut up,” telling the President that Jordan has decided to donate two attack helicopters amounting to US$18 million each, including sniper rifles and armored tankers which could be used to strengthen the Philippines’ defense capabilities. – JCE