The United States Navy is considering to dispatch warships close to the disputed artificial islands in the South China Sea, to signal it does not recognize Chinese territorial claims on the area, a U.S. defense official said on Thursday.
According to Financial Times Newspaper a senior US official said that U.S. warships would sail within the 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as territory around the artificial islands it has built in the Spratly chain, within the next two weeks.

According to officials who briefed the Navy Times and Financial Times, the Navy mission is designed to underline the fact that the US does not accept Chinese ownership of the waters, and instead considers them open to everyone.
The United States has seven combat ships in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region to serve as a reinforcement of the U.S. ship’s right to be there, said Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, Stars and Stripes reported.

The Chinese government claims most of the South China Sea, near the Spratly islands where the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have overlapping claims. International maritime law states that a nation can claim water extending 12 nautical miles from its coasts as sovereign territory. They have sole rights to the resources there and can police the waters as they see fit.
Philippine military officials have said that China has repeatedly warned Philippine military aircraft away from the artificial islands in the Spratlys.
This is just the sign China’s weapon’s capability is greater than of the US as the neighboring countries could not do something instead by talking. There’s no use also of diplomatic talks should China will listen having to continue the reclamation in disputed area standing by their beliefs that the area are theirs. The reclamation is on progress despite of saying that they will stop the works until it is resolved. Nobody can really stop China and this is the big problem of USA. That is why the US does the trial expecting blocking from china to firm their stand the area is under their jurisdiction.
“the sign China’s weapon’s capability is greater than of the US”…LOL…No country can match the weaponry of the US. The hesitation among claimant countries to forcefully assert, except, the Philippines are more likely due to the fact that China has more superior weaponry, hardware-wise, and that most of these claimants have economies that are tightly interlocked with China’s.
we cannot say over US supremacy nowadays in terms of weaponry advancement where china also has its hidden power more than any countries in the world as I can read their minds having this reclamation pushing through despite of the US possible intervention. China’s Stubbornness means theyre prepared for any military confrontation. One more thing US owed them trillions of dollars where china believed US won’t intervene any such militery move should all the islands in the south china sea will be reaped to be china’s property. World war is imminent due to fact that china will never back off the islands having huge of money have thrown out for the reclamation. China is creepy, So, let’s wait and see.
Wtf, they didnt have aircraft carrier. Is has 7
What the hick china back off your claiming is not yours is belong to the Republic of the Philippines an you can see the map in the world its not close to your land and it so far so stop claiming so most to resolve that problem to give the china to bomb what they claim so its finish and the international law its belong to international community..thats the end..
kasi ma pride tayong mga pinoy noon may base dito ang us itataboy ksi daming babae daw nabibiktima ng ksharasan kaguztuhan naman nla yun aminin na po ng gobyerno natin hindi kaya mag patakbo ng pamahala.an puro nlng tayo peacefull at diplomacia .
may comment about china and phillipines wow wala po tayong laban sa china and mga opisyal natin puro nlng daanin natin sa peacefull na usapan sa diplomacia wow kaya ng pilipinas bumili ng mga fa 18 f 16 falcon kng gugustuhin natin tataboy nyu ung us base ngayun aasa kayo sa us mahiya naman tayo .